Aurora season has begun!

It’s so good to be able to shoot Aurora again. We had a pretty nice display that started around 10pm last night, but that didn’t last long at all. Then at 3:30am this morning she came back and was really active and put on quite a show until just after 4am. It was short and sweet.

A bonus trip to Denali on a spectacular fall weekend.

We finally got our motorhome back from the shop where it’s been spending more time this summer than actually out camping, so I grabbed the camera gear and headed up to Denali National Park for a 2 day solo photo trip. The weather forecast was great and I was hoping that the fall colors might be a bit better than when we were there 2 weeks ago.

Denali was out in all her glory on the 250 mile drive up and the fall colors along the Parks Highway kept getting better and better the closer I got. I had a feeling this might be a good trip.

Oh yeah, and about those 2 bears on the road while mountain biking down Igloo Canyon at the end of my first day in the park ;) That story is coming up. So come along for an absolutely stunning weekend in Denali. As per usual, there are way too many pictures. The captions will tell the story. What a way to end the season at our favorite place on earth.