It's raining Aurora :)

There was very strong aurora last night/early this morning, but as usual this winter, those of us in Anchorage got the short end of the deal.  There was a break in the clouds just before midnight that only lasted for a half-hour or so.   It almost looked like the clouds were raining aurora.  Click on images for full-screen.

Roadblocks ;)

We've had a bunch of snow the past two weeks, including another 6" last night.  The Bear Valley moose aren't stupid, they use the roads to move between feeding spots.  This healthy looking cow decided to hold me up for just a bit this afternoon, then continued her snacking along the road.  

We had a welcome visitor last night, early this morning.

The Aurora season has been kind of disappointing so far this winter here in Bear Valley.  It's been almost a month since we've seen her,  so anytime she shows up it's a nice gift.   After a quick tease early, she finally got going around midnight.  The strongest show was around 1:30 am this morning.   There was a lot of moisture (ice fog) in the air that you could barely see with the naked eye, but it definitely threw off the focus on some of the longer exposures.   Finally gave up around 3 am.